6 Jun 2009

Today I was asked a piercing-related question that I didn't know the answer to:

My partner and I both have a PA, frenum ladder, and scrotum ladders. Our piercings are now at a stage were we have resumed a lot of our activities but when we were getting these piercings we did not think to ask this. Is it safe with these piercings for electric play or is the jewelry to much of a conductor?

Any info you can give me on this would be appreciated.

My reply:

Thanks for your email. To be honest, I'm really not sure. I think it might be best to contact the manufacturer or vendor of any toys or equipment you plan to use to get their recommendations.

My guess would be that it shouldn't be a problem since the piercing (and the jewelry in it) has an entry and an exit. So, perhaps electricity might conduct through the jewelry, but not be sent deeper into the body? But I'm guessing here.

Please let me know whatever you find out so the next time this question comes up, I'll have a more informed answer. If your supplier knows much about this and has any questions I might be able to answer (about body jewelry, for instance), feel free to put them in touch with me.

Good luck and enjoy,


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